Losing weight isn't rocket science but it can be done with hard work, commitment and an effective weight loss plan. In fact, people with an individualized plan are not only more likely to lose the weight but to keep it off as well. In this brief article, we'll teach you how to develop a successful weight loss plan so that you can lose weight permanently.
First of all, figure out why you want to lose weight. For instance, do you want to lose weight so that you can be healthier? Do you want to lose it so that you can look great for your high school reunion? Whatever the reason, figure out why you want to lose weight as this will be the motivating factor to your success.
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Second, you have to visualize weight loss success. If you truly believe that you can and will succeed in achieving your weight loss goals, you will. If you believe you will fail then you'll likely sabotage your efforts. So, stay positive and visualize success.
Third, you should set realistic weight loss goals and be 100% committed to working your plan. For instance, do you want to lose 5, 10, or 15 pounds? How long are you going to give yourself to achieve success? Whatever your plans are, if you set realistic goals and are committed, you will succeed.
Fourth, break your goal down into realistic short term steps. For instance, plan to lose 1-2 pounds a week? By doing this, you'll find that success will become imminent and you'll be able to achieve success. You'll also be able to see and measure progress as it occurs.
Fifth, figure out a workable plan of action. This can include going on a special diet cutting calories, exercising more or a combination of both. Make sure that you clear any special diets with your doctor and steer clear of fad diets.
Sixth, get support. If you really want to supercharge your success, you should join a support group. This should be a group of likeminded individuals that will support you in your weight loss efforts.
Seventh, make small changes. Remember that small changes make a big difference. For example, you can stop drinking soda, drink more water or make it a point to only eat one treat a day. You can substitute higher calorie foods with lower calories ones and you likely won't even notice the difference.
Eighth, step up the exercise. Find an exercise regimen that you enjoy and then stick with it. If you don't like to exercise then you should just be more active. You can walk your dog more, play with the kids a bit more or go out dancing. The key is to get moving and stay active so that you shed those unwanted pounds.
Ninth, reward your progress. Losing weight isn't easy but the rewards are better health and an improved self image. Therefore, you should reward yourself for both scale and non scale victories. For instance, if you lose 2 lbs, you can treat yourself to a movie or if you meet your exercise goals for the week, you can get a manicure.
Tenth, read motivational books and posts from others who have accomplished their weight loss goals. Pay special attention to before and after pictures and make a commitment to change. This will encourage and motivate you to continue with the plan and make it work for you.
In conclusion, you can develop an effective weight loss plan. You simply have to visualize success, set realistic goals, figure out your motivating factors, divide your plan into realistic steps, develop a workable plan, get support, make changes, step up the exercise, reward your progress, and read motivational books and posts from others. Once you do this, you can and will succeed.
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